Kimberly Strassel in Reno, NEXT WEEK!
Kimberley Strassel’s bombshell reporting at the Wall Street Journal has been uncovering facts that most of Big Media seems eager to ignore. Yesterday she reported Congressional revelations that the FBI and Obama Justice Department had engaged in outright spying against the 2016 Trump campaign. She’s also documented those agencies’ deliberate efforts to keep that information concealed from Congress and the country. (Click here to watch one of her latest appearances on Fox News) Kimberley does precisely what journalists should do — namely, in behalf of We the People , hold government accountable. Moreover, she’ll be in Reno, next week, to speak at the Nevada Policy Research Institute’s Annual Spring Celebration! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear one of the nation’s most prolific investigative journalists in person! There’s still time to RSVP for your seats! (Click here to reserve your seat!)
A word of warning…
As many of you know, before joining the Nevada Policy Research Institute as its president, I was a resident of the People’s Republic of Illinois. Over the years, I have seen the underfunded pension crisis grow in Illinois to unmanageable levels, and the “solutions” at this point are downright frightening. That is what this Forbes article is talking about. What this article does not say, however, is that most homeowners in Illinois face monthly property tax bills that are larger than their mortgage payments — and the state’s newest scheme to fix its pension crisis will only make this situation worse. This is just one of the many reasons I am glad to now be a Nevadan… but if we don’t act soon, this kind of out-of-control tax and spend government could easily take root here. It’s a warning that we, as freedom-loving Nevadans, need to take seriously. (Read more)
Judicial activism
One of the big Trump-era wins for constitutionalists has been this administration’s penchant for appointing judges who refuse to “legislate from the bench.” But proponents of a “living” constitution — that is to say, people who believe judges should use their power to subvert the constitutional process — aren’t going to take this laying down. Already, Democrats are discussing the possibility of “packing the courts” should they win the presidency in coming years. The plan is simple enough: Instead of nominating judges for existing vacancies, they would expand the number of courts and fill the new positions with “progressive” activist-judges. The plan has already been described as “a classic authoritarian maneuver used by aspiring dictators who seek to consolidate their power by dismantling democratic institutions.”… And that damning description of the plan was actually used by a supporter of the idea. (Read more)
State spending
The state’s “rainy day fund” is supposed to protect the state in the event of an economic downturn. The idea is that if the economy suddenly takes a turn for the worse, or some other unforeseen circumstance puts fiscal pressure on government, citizens won’t be unnecessarily burdened with higher taxes or reduced government services. It therefore seems worrisome that, despite Nevada’s massive tax increases and overall economic growth since the recession, the state’s rainy day fund remains extremely limited. As NPRI Communications Director Michael Schaus points out, the reason for this is simple: Few current politicians will promise less spending and more saving as long as they can, instead, use taxpayer dollars to reward special interests. (Read more)
Fiscal and taxes
Seattle homelessness has doubled in the last 8 years, as housing shortages (and climbing real estate prices) drive more and more residents into the streets. But what really caused the problem in the first place? And, more importantly, will the city’s new plan to tax large corporations for hiring workers actually do anything to fix it? In numerical order, the obvious answers are: 1) Government, and 2) No. (Watch the video)
Under despotic regimes, the military is often treated as a preferred class by the ruling elite — a class that is afforded luxuries, security and comfort not available to the general public. And it’s a dynamic that makes sense, albeit in a warped way. After all, it’s the military that protects the elite rulers from the discontent of a brutalized and starving populace. Socialism, however, has a way of making conditions horrible for everyone in the long run — even the politically favored. In Venezuela, things have gotten so bad with food shortages, runaway inflation and widespread crime, that even members of the military are calling it quits. Earning a mere $2 per month, soldiers often resort to working side jobs, begging for food or turning to black market activities to survive. Sadly, however, the oil-rich country’s deeply destructive turn toward socialism continues — notwithstanding the entirely predictable tragedy looming ever-larger. (Read more)