
Date Range
Forfeiture reform presents rare chance for legislative cooperation
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NPRI Staff
Nevada's government/ private sector employee pay gap
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NPRI Staff
Nevada's Public Records Law Needs Teeth
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Michael Schaus
Nevada high court rules for public access to retirement records
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NPRI Staff
Metro trying to keep public in the dark about its use of civil forfeiture
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NPRI Staff
The facts behind Nevada’s education spending
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Robert Fellner
America’s tax bet on small business is a sure thing
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John Tsarpalas
Lack of transparency at Tax Department hinders commerce tax repeal debate
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NPRI Staff
Jeff Sessions and the resurgence of civil-asset forfeiture
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NPRI Staff
Minorities a prime target of Las Vegas police seizures, report finds
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NPRI Staff
Even Nevada's law-abiders should fear renewed assest forfeiture efforts
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NPRI Staff
Make collective bargaining public to avoid another sexual misconduct scandal at Clark County School District
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NPRI Staff
5 lessons from the Faraday Future fiasco
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NPRI Staff
CCSD's sexual-misconduct epidemic shows need for bargaining transparency
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Nevada Journal
Part Eight: CCSD’s systemic problem and its expensive consequences
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Nevada Journal|Steven Miller
Nevada's police body cam law needs penalties
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NPRI Staff
Shocking numbers connected to salaries of Las Vegas city workers
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NPRI Staff
What is a conflict of interest? Lawsuit against Reno lawmaker might decide
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NPRI Staff
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