
NPRI files public records complaint with AG’s office

Nevada Policy Staff
| August 28, 2017

In response to last week’s Nevada Journal report — which found that the Incline Village General Improvement District’s records retention policy violates state law — the Nevada Policy Research Institute has chosen to file a formal complaint with the Attorney General’s office.

NPRI president John Tsarpalas issued the following statement:

“Nevadans deserve maximum transparency from their government, which is something the state’s public records law is supposed to provide. But this law means nothing if governments are free to defy it without consequence. The Attorney General must ensure all governments provide their citizens with the maximum transparency they deserve, and that the law demands.”

Click here to read more about the Incline Village General Improvement District's efforts to conceal their records from the public.

For more information, please contact NPRI transparency director Robert Fellner at 702.222.0642 or rf@npri.org.

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