Nevada Policy


Nevada Policy knows that our future is determined by the knowledge we impart to our children. Giving a solid foundation to Nevada’s next generation as early as possible is essential to creating a society rich with social and economic opportunities. This is why advocating for reforms to education, today, will ensure a brighter tomorrow.

Latest in Education

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The Myth of “More Money, Better Results” in Nevada’s Schools
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How Nevada Can Improve Student Achievement Without Spending More
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Never Change a Running System: Why Nevada Needs to Bring Back the Achievement School District
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Better Schools, Better Outcomes: How Charters Serve Nevada's Underserved Students
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Closing the Gap: How Charter Schools Can Help Nevada’s At-Risk Students
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The Myth of “More Money, Better Results” in Nevada’s Schools
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Why Nevada’s Charter Schools Need an Incubator Boost 
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How Trump’s Education Agenda Could Reshape Nevada’s Schools
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Anahit Baghshetsyan
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Choice and Accountability: Why Nevada Needs More Charter Schools 
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Research & Resources

Education Freedom

Achieving real change in education requires an army of parents, students and citizens pushing for reform. View the reports below to join the fight and organize with other Nevadans for real educational choice.

Upcoming Events

Legislative Session Unpacked: Key Updates & What It Means for You Webinar

Join us for an exclusive webinar with Nevada Policy’s Director of Research, Geoff Lawrence, as he breaks down what’s really happening in Carson City. Get an inside look at the key issues, behind-the-scenes insights, and what it all means for Nevada’s future.
March 26, 2025


10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

What Lies Ahead for Academic Freedom and School Choice in Law and Public Policy

Join the Las Vegas Lawyers Chapter and Federalist Society for a lunch event!
October 4, 2024


11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
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