Early ESA application deadline extended!

| December 1, 2015

Hello all,

Great news!

Treasurer Dan Schwartz has extended the ESA early application deadline until tomorrow, Wednesday, December 2, at 5 p.m.

After an eleventh hour glitch in the system, caused by a "surge in enrollments" last night, the state's computer went down for about an hour.  

'We had an unexpected, last minute surge in enrollments," Schwartz wrote today. "As a result, our computers were down for about an hour."  Although staff quickly fixed the problem, Schwartz announced the office will "extend the enrollment deadline until 5pm Wednesday, December 2 to accommodate those who couldn’t get through last night.”

For those of you at Word of Life last night, I can tell you we just barely missed the glitch.  Somewhere between shutting down and me driving to Henderson, where I helped a family with five children attempt to register, the system went down.  By the time I got home, I had one phone call, a text and an email from frantic families trying to register.

Many thanks to the Treasurer's office for extending the registration, providing opportunity for the families effected across Nevada to complete their applications.

I also want to thank all the volunteers who showed up to help parents register at Word of Life last night.  And, a big thank you to all the parents who trusted us to get you registered — and apparently just in time!  It was a busy time scanning documents, answering questions, and completing the forms, but it was a good time. I look forward to adding several of you to my volunteer list! Your support is much appreciated.

If anyone receiving this email would like to be added to the ESA volunteer list, shoot me an email and I am excited to add you.  When there is a need for volunteers — such as last night— I will send out an email, or give you a call.  Whatever time or contribution you have to share will be greatly appreciated. Together, we will get the word out and assist families seeking educational freedom.

Did you know, nearly 4000 Nevada parents have taken advantage of the Treasurer's early ESA enrollment period? 

And, next year, families who missed early enrollment or were not eligible for an ESA during the Early Enrollment period can apply during any of the following 2016 open enrollment periods just released by the treasurer today.

Open Enrollment Periods
February 1 – March 31
May 2 – June 30
Aug 1 – Sept 30
Nov 1 – Dec 31

The Treasurer also announced, the date for the next Adoption Hearing for exemptions for active duty military families and kindergartners (ages 5-7). The hearing will be held on Monday, December 21, at 10:00 AM at the Gaming Control Board, Suite 100, 1919 College Pkwy in Carson City, NV and by video link at the Grant Sawyer Building, Suite 2600, 555 E. Washington in Las Vegas, NV.

I will follow up with more information on the hearing later.

For anyone needing assistance with early applications, feel free to drop by NPRI's office at 7130 Placid Street, Las Vegas, 89119.  We are happy to scan documents for you and walk you through the application process.  You can also call with any questions, 702-222-0642.

Have a great day!


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