Why Nevada Needs AB 33: A Simple Case for Smarter Government 

| March 5, 2025

If you are running a business, you want to know if your money is being spent wisely, right? Are your employees doing their jobs well? Are you getting the most bang for your buck? Now, think about the government. It’s spending your tax dollars—shouldn’t someone be checking under the hood to make sure everything’s running smoothly? That’s where Assembly Bill 33 (AB 33) comes in, and it’s why Nevada Policy is in support of it. 

AB 33 wants to create a new office in Nevada called the Office of the Inspector General. This office would be like an independent watchdog, sniffing out waste and inefficiency in state and local government agencies. It’s a big idea because, right now, Nevada doesn’t have anyone truly independent doing this job. And that’s a problem. 

What’s Wrong with the Way Things Are? 

At the moment, Nevada’s auditing offices—the ones supposed to check how government spends money—aren’t free to do their jobs without bias. The Legislative Counsel Bureau’s Audit Division, reports to the politicians in charge of the legislature, while the Department of Administration’s Internal Audits, ultimately answers to the governor. It’s like asking your boss to grade their own homework—they’re not going to be tough on themselves. This setup makes it hard to trust that we’re getting the full story on how our tax dollars are being used. Are agencies wasting money? Are audits politically biased? Are they even finding what they’re supposed to? Without an independent voice, it’s tough to know. 

How AB 33 Fixes This 

AB 33 changes the game by setting up an Inspector General under Nevada’s State Controller—an elected official who doesn’t control the agencies being audited. This makes the Inspector General independent, free from the influence of the politicians running the show. The goal? Honest, no-nonsense reviews of how government agencies are performing—not just whether their math adds up, but whether they’re actually achieving the objectives. 

This isn’t about boring accounting checks (those are called financial audits, and they’re already a thing). AB 33 is about performance and forensic audits. Think of it like a report card for government programs: Are they working? Are they efficient? Could they do better? It’s about making sure your tax dollars aren’t just disappearing into a black hole. 

Proof It Can Work 

This isn’t just a pie-in-the-sky idea—35 other states have already shown it can save serious cash. Take Washington State, for example. From 2007 to 2014, their independent auditor’s office has saved taxpayers over $1 billion by finding smarter ways to run things like schools, transportation, and other government services. They concluded that for every dollar spent on these performance audits, they saved $16 in taxpayer money. That’s a huge return on investment! Nevada could use some of that magic, especially when every penny counts. 

Why We Support It 

Nevada Policy backs AB 33 because it’s a win for everyone who pays taxes (that’s most of us!). It’s about accountability—making sure the government isn’t wasting money or hiding mistakes. It’s about efficiency—fixing what’s broken so agencies can do more with less. And it’s about trust—showing Nevadans that their hard-earned dollars are being spent wisely. An independent Inspector General would shine a light on what’s working and what’s not, without political spin getting in the way. 

The Bottom Line 

AB 33 isn’t flashy, but it’s important. It’s a practical step to make Nevada’s government better—more transparent, more effective, and more responsible with our money. That’s why Nevada Policy is urging lawmakers to get this bill moving. If we want a state government dollars to serve both taxpayers and legislators effectively, AB 33 is a no-brainer. Let’s make it happen. 

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