In cased you missed it…

| November 9, 2018

2018 election results

Nevada Policy Research Institute is about ideas, not politics.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t pay attention to elections. After all, the people who are elected will direct the state’s policy priorities, and Tuesday’s election results will have a direct impact on what priorities we can (and can’t) accomplish in the year ahead.

However, that’s why we focus on ideas, and not politics.

Politics are about parties, lawmakers and, to a large extent, about grandstanding. Our ideas, however, are about empowering people.

And, in the end, that’s more impactful and powerful than any single election win or loss.

After all, to a parent, issues like school choice are not political — they’re personal. To taxpayers, government transparency is not political — it’s about ensuring confidence in public institutions.

Indeed, the ideas we fight for are not about championing a party or a politician — and that’s why we can continue to make a difference, regardless of what political games are being played in Carson City: because our ideas have the power to inspire the very people who send those lawmakers to the capital.

We won’t be able to stop every bad idea dreamt up by political leaders in Carson City in 2019, nor will we be able to will into existence all the good ones. But with your continued support, with the engagement of parents, taxpayers and Nevadans of all backgrounds, we can ensure the ideas that have made Nevada free and prosperous continue to drive policymakers.

As always, your partnership is more appreciated than you might know. Thanks to you, Nevada Policy remains the state’s leading provider of ideas that empower individuals, limit government largess and preserve the freedom that has made this state such an amazing place to live.

Together, we can continue our hard work in the year ahead. There’s going to be plenty of it.


Election day

The most-asked question of Google on Election Day was “where do I vote?” Many pundits like to say that such interest a good sign, as it demonstrates a willingness of Americans to be involved in the democratic process. However, the second most-asked question was “Who should I vote for?” And that’s a pretty scary portrait of the American electorate. (If you’re asking Google how to vote, should you really be voting?) A brief look at the questions asked by would-be voters demonstrates a real need for engaging citizens on issues long before it’s time to cast a ballot. (Read more)


US civics

Nationally, Republicans not only managed to keep control of the U.S. Senate, but actually also expanded their majority. Disgust and even outrage from progressive pundits was expected. However, some pundits leveled a rather unusual criticism against the election system itself: Because more Democrat voters cast ballots in the elections, a handful of progressive pundits argue it is unfair Republicans kept control of the Senate — as if Senate control should be determined by the number of votes cast, rather than which senators actually won their elections. (Read more)


Labor unions

Following the Janus decision earlier this year, many public sector workers across the nation have discovered that they now have the right to leave their union without having to fear for their job. However, simply leaving the union, and no longer paying dues, doesn’t really allow workers the freedom they might like. After all, even when they opt out of membership, the union continues to hold a monopoly on representation, acting as the “exclusive bargaining agent” for everyone in the workforce. Fortunately for the cause of employee freedom, some organizations have filed lawsuits to ensure workers have the freedom to decide for themselves whether or not they want to accept union representation. (Read more)


First Amendment

A federal judge has allowed the National Rifle Association to proceed with a lawsuit against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The NRA claims Gov. Cuomo has violated the group’s First Amendment by pressuring banks and insurers to stop doing business with the gun-rights organization and firearm makers. Given the power New York’s governor has over the financial sector, Cuomo’s veiled threats at organizations with ties to the firearms industry is chilling, to say the least. Earlier this year he directed the Department of Financial Services to “urge insurers and bankers statewide to determine whether any relationship they may have with the NRA or similar organizations sends the wrong message to their clients and their communities.” (Read more)

John Tsarpalas is the President of the Nevada Policy, and is deeply committed to spreading limited government ideas and policy to create a better, more prosperous Nevada for all. For over three decades, John has educated others in the ideals and benefits of limited government. In the 1980s, John joined the Illinois Libertarian Party and served on its State Central Committee. Later in the 90s, he transitioned to the Republican Party, and became active in the Steve Forbes for President Campaign and flat taxes. In 2005, he was recruited to become the Executive Director of the Illinois Republican Party where he graduated from the Republican National Committee’s Campaign College, the RNC’s Field Management School, and the Leadership Institute’s activist training. Additionally, John has served as President of the Sam Adams Alliance and Team Sam where he did issue education and advocacy work in over 10 states, with a focus on the web. John also founded or helped start the following educational not-for-profits: Think Freely Media, the Haym Salomon Center – where he served as Chairman, the Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity and Midwest Speaking Professionals. A native of Chicago, John now lives in Las Vegas with his wife of more than 40 years.

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