Nevada’s 2023 Legislative Scorecard

The 2023 legislative session is history, and with it thousands of individual votes cast on hundreds of bills.

Curious about how your lawmaker voted on the bills that potentially impacted your rights and liberties? Nevada Policy’s 2023 Legislative Report and Scorecard ranks Silver State lawmakers based on how they voted on nearly four dozen different critical bills.

2023 Nevada Policy Legislative Scorecard pdf

Highlights include:

  • Report card grading state legislators on their voting records;
  • Analysis of the top 10 bills passed by the legislature;
  • A look at the five worst bills introduced during the session; and
  • Gov. Joe Lombardo’s best vetoes; and
  • In-depth look at such bills as that which will grant $380 million for a baseball stadium in Las Vegas.

Download your free copy today!


For at least a decade, Nevada Policy has released a legislative recap and scorecard reflecting on the challenges and outcomes of each given legislative session.

Our goal is to analyze each session and how it directly impacted the principles of limited government, personal liberty and free markets. We also graded legislators on their voting records, to educate the public on whether campaign rhetoric matched actions.