Less than ten days, Folks!

| July 20, 2016

Friday, July 29 — the day we’ve all been waiting for!  The day to show your support for the country’s most expansive educational choice program and fight for Nevada children — your children — is just around the corner.

Come down to the Regional Justice Center at 200 Lewis Ave in Las Vegas at 8:45 a.m. and stand strong with other ESA supporters for an early rally before going upstairs to view the Supreme Court oral arguments.

Bring your friends, neighbors and children and stand up to #LetOurChildrenSucceed.

A few things you should know to prepare for this historical day:

Dress Code

  • The Regional Justice Center prohibits any show of support or opposition in the building: No shirts, hats, accessories or other apparel showing support will be allowed inside. Rally signs must remain outside.
  • The Supreme Court courtroom is a professional setting and attendees are encouraged to dress accordingly: Shirts and shoes are required. Hats must be removed before entering court. No tank tops or shorts.
  • No cell phones allowed in the Supreme Court courtroom. You will be required to leave your cell phones with the marshal before entering the courtroom.

Etiquette and Decorum

  • The Supreme Court courtroom is a professional setting requiring complete quiet from the audience. The atmosphere is akin to that of a very, very quiet church. Talking will not be tolerated and you could be removed by marshals.  
  • Children are allowed in the courtroom. However, I recommend families with young children view the proceedings from the Jury Assembly Room on the third floor, which is a less formal setting.
  • No food or drinks allowed in the courtroom.

Rally Signs

We are asking supporters to bring their own signs highlighting their personal message of support. A poster board decorated with markers, paints, glitter, etc… is a simple, inexpensive way to do this.  We will also have parent-made signs available at the rally. 

As a sign of solidarity with other ESA supporters we are asking that signs have both, our hashtag #LetOurChildrenSucceed and that of our fellow ESA supporters: #YestoESA.

We will have a place outside the courthouse building to leave signs.


Metered parking is available in lots along 3rd St. and Clark and at the Clark County Parking garage at 455 S. 3rd Street.  The Fremont Street Experience parking garage located at 425 Fremont also offers paid parking.  You enter off 4th Street off Carson. If parking is an issue, please call me at 702-222-0642.  We can arrange free shuttle transport with our rally partner group.


The Supreme Court courtroom, located on the 17th floor, seats about 60 -70 people.  An estimated 30 seats are expected to be reserved, leaving just a few seats for the public.  Overflow seating is located in the Jury Assembly Room, located on the Third Floor. All seats will be filled on a first-come, first-seated basis.

This is it, parents. The legal team, Treasurer Dan Schwartz and the brave parents intervening in Duncan need your support. They need your strength! 

Come on down and rally for Nevada’s children — your children.

If you are in northern Nevada call me about events there, 702-222-0642.  Your voice will not be left out!



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