Nevada Policy


Battle Born Society - Membership

Thank you for being a part of our mission. We welcome support at all levels, with associated perks for those doing their part to save Nevada.

Up to $999

Battle Born Member Givers

  • Welcome letter from President/Chairman
  • Quarterly eNewsletter
  • Invitations to all conferences, training workshops, special events and policy briefings

$1,000 to $9,999

All In

  • Bi-annual President’s Reports
  • Three Zoom meetings: policy, legislative, one-guest speaker
  • Invitations to private gatherings with scholars and policymakers
  • Issue-specific mailings (all physical copies of policy reports, op-eds, etc.…)
  • Plus all perks from previous levels

$10,000 to $49,999

President’s Circle

  • Early host and committee opportunities
  • VIP invitations with speakers, special guests and Board members, plus speaker recommendations
  • VIP recognition (web, events, etc.…)
  • Zoom meetings: two business-focused discussions
  • Plus all perks from previous levels

$100,000 +

Chairman’s Circle

  • Speaking and introductory opportunities
  • Zoom meetings: four business-focused discussions
  • Personal strategy meetings with Board and Leadership
  • Prime seating with Speakers and VIPs at all events
  • Plus all perks from previous levels

Estate Gifts/Endowments

Legacy Society

  • Permanent office recognition
  • Permanent recognition of Legacy status at Annual Dinner
  • Special gift
  • Plus all perks from previous levels

Recurring Monthly

Bedrock Givers

  • All perks associated with your yearly total gift level

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