Rally and Oral Argument viewing!

| July 12, 2016

Friends, your support is needed!

Please join me and other ESA supporters as we rally for the new opportunities awaiting Nevada families and children. Mark your calendars now and save the date! Join in as we lend strength to Treasurer Dan Schwartz and Attorney General Adam Laxalt and their fabulous teams as they fight for Nevada families in Nevada’s Supreme Court!

Come on down! Show your support for Nevada’s Education Savings Account program! 

What: Rally and Oral Argument viewing

When: Friday, July 29

Where: Regional Justice Center

200 Lewis Avenue, Las Vegas

Rally:  Sidewalk in front of main entrance

Proceedings: Nevada Supreme Court Courtroom, 17th floor (limited public seats)

Overflow viewing: Jury Assembly Room, 3rd floor

Time: Full schedule 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

            Rally: 8:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.

            Lopez Oral Arguments: 10:00 a.m.

            Duncan Oral Arguments: 11:30 a.m.

On Friday, July 29th, the Nevada Supreme Court will hear arguments in both ESA cases. The first oral argument, Schwartz vs. Lopez, (this is the case with the injunction against the program) will begin at 10 a.m. for a 60-minute presentation in the Las Vegas courtroom. The second oral argument, Duncan vs. State, Office of the Treasurer, (the case that was previously dismissed by a lower court) will begin at 11:30 a.m. for a 60-minute presentation.

 The Supreme Court has arranged to provide overflow seating and viewing of the oral arguments in the Jury Assembly Room located on the Third Floor of the RJC, if necessary. Let’s make it necessary!

The overflow room accommodates up to 300 people and the courtroom seats approximately 70 individuals. However, it is expected 30 or so seats will already be reserved for news media, etc. Seating in the Jury Assembly Room is also limited, so it will be a first-come, first-seated situation.  

Just a few things to be aware of if you plan on attending:

Cell phones are not allowed in the courtroom.

Participants will go through security to enter the Regional Justice Center. Expect to remove shoes, belts, and empty pockets — just like the airport!

And if you’re not in the Vegas area, the hearings will also be video conferenced to the Supreme Court courtroom in Carson City, for folks in the north!

 Let’s show our support for ESAs, and stay engaged! #LetOurChildrenSucceed


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