Track Public Salaries through Transparent Nevada

| March 17, 2023

It’s been a busy Sunshine Week for Nevada Policy. We’ve spent the past few days looking at government transparency and why it’s important to the wellbeing of the state.

The cornerstone of Nevada Policy’s efforts to shine a light on government rests with our Transparent Nevada website. Since its founding in 2008, Transparent Nevada has grown into a key part of Nevada Policy’s efforts to promote freedom and accountability in the Battleborn State.

The website, the largest of its kind in Nevada, provides the public with detailed compensation records for state and local employees.

These records outline the base salary, overtime pay and benefits for public employees and are available at no cost to users. Transparent Nevada makes it possible for journalists, activists and concerned citizens to keep close tabs on how our leaders are spending taxpayer dollars.

We understand that more information for the public means more accountability for our leaders.

Every year, the Transparent Nevada staff makes hundreds of public records requests to update the site and ensure that the public has access to this essential information. These efforts are only possible through the generosity of Nevada Policy supporters.

It’s been nearly 15 years since we started Transparent Nevada, but we have no plans to slow down. To date, Transparent Nevada has had more than 45 million pageviews and millions of visitors.

Last September we launched a resources page with helpful e-guides to help Nevadans make public records requests. We plan to continue expanding the site.

From the beginning, Nevada Policy has held firm to the belief that government should be accountable to the public. Transparent Nevada allows us to put that belief into meaningful action.

If you have questions about the public records process or how much money your local officials are making, head over to and learn more.

Shelby Fleshood  has a passion for helping ensure his generation maintains the freedoms that make our nation great. Growing up in Florida, Shelby was often surprised in high school to see that the liberties that were so common in Florida, were not always prevalent in other parts of the country. This sparked a passion for activism that would last the rest of his life. Shelby first became involved with Nevada Policy in the summer of 2020 as a Development Intern, working to help Nevada Policy navigate the changes brought on by the Covid-19 Pandemic. He spent that summer collaborating with his fellow interns on new fundraising projects to help ensure Nevada Policy was not crippled by the lockdowns caused by the virus. In 2021, Shelby graduated from Florida State University after studying History and Economics. He supervises, guides and helps,, and their activist communities. Shelby also works with Nevada’s Open Records Coalition and open records activists to ensure that everyone has the ability to see all government records and documents. After all, government is supposed to work for us!

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