
Tomorrow: Court hearing in NPRI’s public records lawsuit against CCSD

Nevada Policy Staff
| July 1, 2013

LAS VEGAS Can the Clark County School District effectively exempt itself from the Nevada state law mandating openness of public records?

That will be the real issue at stake tomorrow when the Center for Justice and Constitutional Litigation at the Nevada Policy Research Institute appears in court pursuing its demand that CCSD comply with the law.

NPRI, citing the Nevada Public Records Act, NRS Chapter 239, has requested that the district make available its government-issued and -maintained email addresses for public-school teachers.

The Eighth Judicial District court will hear and potentially rule on CCSD’s motion to dismiss. As detailed here, the school district’s motion to dismiss relies on out-of-context and irrelevant statutory excerpts.

What: Hearing in NPRI’s public records lawsuit against the Clark County School District.

When: July 2, 2013, at 8:00 a.m.

Where: Eighth Judicial District Court, Division VIII, Courtroom 16D, Regional Justice Center, 200 Lewis Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89155.

Who: Parties include the Nevada Policy Research Institute, the Public Education Foundation, and the Clark County School District.  The presiding judge will be Douglas E. Smith.

Note: The Court schedules numerous hearings at once, and the particular order in which cases will be heard is unknown.

Requested in the lawsuit are 1) the public records, 2) that the court enjoin CCSD from delaying and denying future legitimate public-records requests, and 3) costs and attorney fees.

Case documents:

The Center for Justice and Constitutional Litigation is a public-interest law organization that litigates when necessary to protect the fundamental rights of individuals as set forth in the state and federal constitutions.

Learn more about the Center for Justice and Constitutional Litigation and this case at http://npri.org/litigation/.


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