
Good afternoon ESA friends

| August 31, 2016

No, there is no Supreme Court decision as yet.  Sorry for the startle. I really am trying to avoid emailing until a decision, however, there is an update from the ACSI scholarship granting organization (SGO) on their AB165 (tax scholarship) application opening.

Previously, I reported enrollment would open tomorrow. However, I just received an email from ACSI informing me they have postponed applications until January, 2017. ACSI sends their thanks to everyone who has contacted them, and has apologized for the delay. The good news is that while they missed funding for this cycle of tax credits, ACSI now has the opportunity to build a larger funding base over the course of the school year. 

Since I have your attention, let’s talk about ESA for a minute: 

We are still waiting for the Supreme Court rulings. There has been no word on when that will come or how Justices will decide.

Yes, I know, the sound of the crickets are killing me too.

While it has been excruciating waiting these past several weeks, I remind myself that compared to most court cases, these ESA lawsuits really have moved at lightning speed.  And, that gets me through another day. 

For those new to this email list — and there are over 100 newbies this month — you should know ESA applications are being accepted by the treasurer’s office through September 30th at 5:00 P.M. 

  • If you have previously applied for the ESA, you do not need to reapply. That includes those who enrolled in 2015. 
  • If you enrolled after January 2016, including new enrollees, due to the injunction, you will not receive a reply or conformation from the treasurer’s office.
  • Be sure to mail your applications certified mail and keep your receipt. That is your proof of submission should something happen to your application. 
  • You must have been enrolled in a public school for the 100 school days immediately preceding your application.
  • Do not send your supporting documents with your application.
  • Applications must be received in the hands of treasury staff by September 30 at 5:00 p.m. to make this enrollment period.  “In the mail” does not qualify.
  • You can find applications on NevadaESA.com and the Treasurer’s website.


Additionally, we have some ESA rally pictures and family stories up on NevadaESA.com, so be sure to check them out.  Also, several information events are being organized for the upcoming months.  So be sure to check out the NevadaESA.com events page often, as we’ll post details as we get things scheduled. 

Hopefully, the next time you hear from me will be so I can say that the ESA injunction has been lifted. I have faith!!



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