
Restoring Trust in Nevada’s Elections…

Nevada Policy Staff
| December 27, 2021

In 2020, state lawmakers passed temporary reforms to Nevada’s election system to greatly increase accessibility to voting in the midst of a global pandemic. And in 2021, lawmakers made these changes permanent. However, efforts to make voting easier must be partnered with reforms to ensure security and confidence in our electoral system.

According to a recent study by the Heritage Foundation, Nevada’s electoral system is one of the least secure in the nation as a result of this one-sided approach to election reform—ranking lower than every state other than Hawaii.

The following reforms would restore confidence in our election system by ensuring that voting remains easy, accessible and secure:

  • Require government-issued photo ID to vote in person (Model legislation: WY HB-75; AR HB-1112)
  • Provide free government-issued photo ID to any eligible voter who requests one (Model legislation: AL HB-19)
  • Require voters to provide their Drivers License or photo-ID number on the inside of the return envelope for mail-in or absentee ballots (Model legislation: GA SB-202; ID HB-290; FL SB-90)

  • Eliminate mailing of unsolicited absentee ballots
  • Require all absentee ballots to be returned to election officials by election day (Model legislation: IA SF-413)
  • Ban “ballot harvesting” (Model legislation: FL SB-90; TX SB-1; KS HB-2183)
  • Eliminate drop-boxes for mail-in / absentee ballots


“Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

  — Conclusion of the bipartisan 2005 report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter.

Click here for a printable one-page summary of these needed reforms.

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