A new chapter

| July 19, 2015

I still remember when I wrote my first letter to you as NPRI’s president back in October 2011.

I was stepping into a new role, assuming new responsibilities, and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the challenge of leading what was already a highly successful organization.

But I also remember the energy I felt, as I looked around at the problems facing our state and saw how NPRI could play a crucial role in solving them. And I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to be a leader in that fight.

Today, as I look back at how far we’ve come in the past four years, I’ll admit to feeling a sense of pride. Nevada continues to face its share of problems. No one can deny that. But I also see the enormous impact this Institute has had in advancing freedom and opportunity in our great state.

We’ve helped stop a number of destructive tax increases. We’ve helped thousands of educators free themselves from their teacher unions. And we led the intellectual effort in establishing Nevada as the national leader in the school choice movement. You and I did this together, and hundreds of thousands of Nevadans are better off as a result of our efforts.

Today, I still have every bit as much energy, passion and commitment to our cause as ever. But it’s time for me to fight for our shared principles in a new way.

You may have seen the news in the Las Vegas Review-Journal this morning. If you didn’t, then I’ll share it with you now. I’ve made the very difficult decision to step down as president of the Nevada Policy Research Institute and to run for the United States Congress.

Without question, this is the hardest professional decision I’ve ever made in my life. The four years I’ve served as NPRI’s president, and the eight I’ve been with the Institute in all, have been more enjoyable and rewarding than I could possibly put into words. But I’ve always said that I will do whatever I can to best serve our cause, and I firmly believe that this is the right decision for me to make.

Tomorrow, NPRI will officially announce its transition plan, and while I’m not going to spoil it, I think you’ll be extremely pleased with what we’ll share with you. And I will promise you this: NPRI, under the direction of our outstanding Board of Directors and our talented staff, will continue to be the greatest force for freedom in the Silver State, and will reach even greater heights in the years ahead.

I want to tell you that it has been a true pleasure to get to know so many of you personally over the past few years, and I consider myself blessed to have made so many close friends during my time here. I sincerely hope you’ll stay in touch, and I encourage you to email me at my personal address, andymatthews921@gmail.com.

And now, all that’s left to say is good-bye, and thank you. None of our successes, none of our victories, none of what we have achieved for free markets and individual liberty, would have been possible without your generous support. You are what makes the Nevada Policy Research Institute so strong, so effective, and so special.

And you are the reason why I believe so firmly that our great state has an exceedingly bright future.

Take care, and God bless.

Warmest regards,

Andy Matthews

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At Nevada Policy, both our board of directors and staff are committed to promoting policy ideas consistent with the principles of limited government, individual liberty and free markets.

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