A new era begins

| July 20, 2012

Every week, NPRI President Andy Matthews writes a column for NPRI’s week-in-review email. If you are not getting our emails, which contain our latest commentaries and news stories, you can sign up here to receive them. Just enter your email in the box on the top right.

For today’s week-in-review email, Andy marks the opening of our new Reno office. We will be celebrating with an open house on August 1 from 1-5 p.m. at 1225 Westfield Avenue, Suite #7, Reno, NV 89509 (click here for map and directions). No RSVP required, just stop by whenever it’s convenient for you. Hope to see you there!

I’d like to open this week with an excerpt from NPRI’s forthcoming Chairman’s Report, in which Ranson Webster, the Institute’s chairman of the board, writes:

As you may know, the Nevada Policy Research Institute, which for several years now has been headquartered in Las Vegas, was actually founded in Reno back in 1991. And even after moving to Southern Nevada, we’ve continued to enjoy a strong base of support in the Northern part of the state. Indeed, we’ve always been proud to call ourselves a statewide organization. And I’m pleased to share with you some exciting recent developments that really demonstrate our commitment to serving citizens all across our Silver State. …

… I’m delighted to share with you that on Aug. 1 we will open a new, permanent NPRI office in Reno. … And I have to tell you, we at NPRI are thrilled about this exciting development. Having full-time offices at both ends of the state will allow us to communicate even more effectively with policymakers, media members and our supporters, ensuring that we’ll be able to put the free-market policy solutions our state needs into as many hands as possible.

Two reasons I wanted to share this with you. One is to make sure you know what I’m talking about when I refer to our “Chairman’s Report.” If you don’t, there’s no need to worry. It simply means you’re not yet an NPRI member. Fortunately, you can join NPRI right now by clicking here. As a member, you’ll receive our Chairman’s Report – a quarterly publication featuring the latest updates on Institute activities – plus a variety of other tools that will bring you greater access to NPRI’s work, depending on the level at which you join.

The other reason I wanted to share that excerpt is to make sure you’re aware of the exciting news it contains: Twenty-one years after opening its first Reno office, the Nevada Policy Research Institute will once again have a home in Northern Nevada.

This is indeed an exciting occasion for the Institute. As Ranson said, we’ve always been proud to call ourselves a statewide organization, and adding a new Reno office in addition to our Las Vegas headquarters will greatly enhance our efforts to spread our freedom-friendly message.

By the way, we’ll be holding an open house at our new place on Aug.1 from1 to 5 p.m. The address, if you’re in the Reno area and would like to stop by, is: 1225 Westfield Avenue, Suite 7, Reno, NV 89509.

I hope you can join us, but even if you can’t, I sincerely hope you’re able to share our excitement over the start of this new chapter in our history. It was the commitment of liberty-loving Nevadans like you who made this possible, and I can’t thank you enough. As proud as we are to be opening our new office, we’re even more grateful to those who have helped make it happen.

Take care, and I hope to see you in Reno on Aug. 1.


Andy Matthews

Remember, if you’d like to receive the latest from NPRI, sign-up for our emails here. Enter your email address in the box on the top right.

At Nevada Policy, both our board of directors and staff are committed to promoting policy ideas consistent with the principles of limited government, individual liberty and free markets.

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