I have an important announcement to make

| March 10, 2017

Today, I'm writing to share with you an extremely difficult decision I have recently made. After returning to NPRI almost two years ago to serve once again as the president of the Nevada Policy Research Institute, I have recently decided to retire. 

Leading this great organization has been the highlight of my career. I cannot think of a better cause to serve than defending the principles of limited government, individual liberty and free enterprise — the ideals that have defined the mission of NPRI since its founding.

Although I will no longer be serving as the Institute’s president, I can assure you that I remain as committed to and passionate about these ideals as ever before.

However, I have come to the decision that it is now time for me to once again step aside. 

While I’m proud of what all of us have accomplished during my time as president of NPRI, I have even higher hopes for the new president and my talented colleagues in the future. It has been a true blessing to have been able to work with a group of individuals who are so supportive, caring and dedicated to our shared ideals. 

I have no doubt they will continue their great work to create a stronger and freer Nevada.

I am pleased to share with you that the Institute's board of directors has made the decision to welcome John Tsarpalas to serve as the new president, effective March 13, 2017.  For more than 30 years John has been leading the fight for free markets and limited government. Previously, John was the President of the Sam Adams Alliance and Team Sam where he did issue-education and advocacy work in over 10 states. Now, he looks forward to leading NPRI in the Institute’s commitment to the cause of freedom in the Silver State and the west.

I cannot thank you enough for your support, your kindness and your generosity, nor can I adequately express what an honor it has been to serve as president of this great organization. The sadness I feel in leaving NPRI is surpassed only by the optimism I have for the future of the Institute and our great state.

Thank you!

Warm regards,

Sharon J. Rossie


In case you missed it…



Congressional Republicans have put forward a plan to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. There’s only one problem: It doesn’t actually repeal or replace much of anything. While it rolls back many existing taxes and regulations associated with the healthcare law, it keeps many of the ACA’s fundamental characteristics intact. As Reason Magazine puts it, “it's a muddled version of the [original] House GOP plan, which was itself a muddled vision of what a political compromise might look like, in some hypothetical world where Republicans actually agreed about health policy.” [Read more]


Minimum wage:

Unsurprisingly, the Nevada legislature didn’t wait long before it started toying with the idea of raising the minimum wage. Study after study has shown that such increases have a direct, and adverse, impact on unemployment rates — specifically among minority groups, who tend to suffer the most from job-losses associated with minimum wage hikes. This correlation isn’t some sort of accidental, or unforeseeable, consequence of artificially inflating wages. In fact, at one time, it was actually the purpose of minimum wage mandates. (Read more)


Educational choice:

A House committee has voted to continue a school voucher program that serves more than 1,200 low-income children in the District of Columbia. The measure to preserve and even expand the program passed despite strong opposition from Democrats. The majority of D.C.’s city council also opposed the measure, saying there is “no proof” that school choice has succeeded in helping disadvantaged students. The data regarding graduation rates and literacy, however, tell another story. Maybe that’s why Mayor Muriel Bowser, also a Democrat, has broken ranks from the party by strongly supporting the program. (Read more)


Energy policy:

Following the example of MGM and Wynn casinos, Caesars Entertainment Corp. has decided to leave Nevada Power Co. — which is owned by NV Energy. As part of the agreement, Caesars will be forced to pay $44 million dollars as an “exit fee.” Like Wynn and MGM, Caesar’s willingness to pay such a large fee for leaving demonstrates just how much the state’s utility monopoly has artificially inflated prices. (Read more)


NPRI’s annual Freedom Scholarship opportunity:

The Nevada Policy Research Institute is once again offering a $2,500 Professor R.S. Nigam & NPRI Freedom Scholarship to a graduating high school student in Clark County. The scholarship is open to all graduating high school students in Clark County — whether they attend a public, private, online or home school — who plan to attend college in the fall of 2017. This year, applicants are asked to write a 2 page essay considering the impact a minimum wage increase would have on Nevada youth. More details, including the essay topic and scholarship details, can be found at NPRI.org. (Read more)


At Nevada Policy, both our board of directors and staff are committed to promoting policy ideas consistent with the principles of limited government, individual liberty and free markets.

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