In case you missed it…

| October 21, 2016

Free speech:

Most Americans agree that — under the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights and also what the Declaration of Independence spoke of as the laws of Nature’s God — they have a fundamental right to speak, write or express political views without fear of government censorship. And yet, some members of the Federal Election Commission seem to disagree. Recently, the commission has been exploring the possibility of subjecting politically themed books, television shows and even movies to the bureaucratic web of “campaign finance” laws and regulations. (Read more)


Education reform:

Families in Nevada are still holding their breath for educational choice — putting pressure on the Governor and lawmakers to fund the state’s Education Savings Account program. Nationally, however, Nevada’s program continues to be an inspiration for states that would like to implement their own sweeping education reform. (Read more)


Climate change alarmism:

As partisan leftwing attorneys general continue to bully and intimidate companies that question the dubious “settled science” of man-made global warming, Exxon Mobil Corp. has decided to fight back. Earlier this week, Exxon asked a federal judge to put an end to the abusive behavior of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who seeks to subpoena any and all company documents that might bear on the company’s stance on energy policy. (Read more)



Younger generations are comparatively accepting of socialism and communism. Almost half of Americans between the ages of 16 and 20 said they would be happy to vote for a socialist, while 21 percent would go so far as to back an admitted communist. Part of this trend might be due to the fact that millennials are severely uneducated about the historical record of collectivism. For example, more than a quarter of Americans — including about a third of millennials — said they thought George W. Bush was responsible for more death and destruction than Joseph Stalin, the Soviet leader who ordered the murder of more than 20 million people. (Read more)


Public Employee Retirement System:

Ever wonder where state and local government workers pay America’s highest public pension costs? According to research from the National Association of State Retirement Administrators, it is Nevada. That might not be a surprise for many policy experts, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be common knowledge with PERS membership, or the PERS board. Nevada teachers, however, are catching on — as they deal with an ever-increasing contribution rate. (Read more)

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