In case you missed it…

| February 3, 2017



Proponents of the Affordable Care Act claim that up to 27 percent of the American population are in danger of losing insurance coverage if Obamacare is repealed, due to pre-existing conditions. However, when you start to look at the actual data — and compare it with numbers from the pre-Obamacare era — it becomes clear that this alleged risk is merely a scare tactic. (Read more)


Fiscal and taxes:

Some legislators, prompted by county officials across the state, argue that property taxes simply aren’t rising fast enough for their taste. As a result, a proposal is being made to do away with, or at least alter, the current limits on how quickly property taxes can climb in any given year. It’s shaping up to be a battle in 2017, as other legislators insist that the tax caps have done their job — protecting homeowners and businesses from increased tax bills as the economy continues to claw its way back from the recession. (Read more)



The Raiders’ relocation to Las Vegas hit a speed bump this week. On Monday, the Adelson family announced it would be pulling out of the stadium deal. Soon after, Goldman Sachs also withdrew its support. Even though private investors might be backing out of the deal, taxpayers will remain on the hook for their $750 million share no matter what. In fact, politicians are already looking for other ways to spend the money raised by the tax hike, should the Raiders’ relocation not come to fruition. (Read more)



Contrary to what opponents claim — that Education Savings Accounts will only benefit the “wealthy” — the reform looks to be in a position to help low income families the most. Roughly two-thirds of the completed applications for the ESA program come from households making less than $50,000 a year, according to the state treasurer’s office. The numbers suggest that low income families are among the most eager for the implementation of the program. (Read more)


Regulation and bureaucracy:

Licensing laws are appropriate for professions that carry a substantial risk of physical harm. But Nevada’s go far beyond that narrow scope. In fact, nearly 31 percent of the Silver State’s workforce must first obtain government approval in order to work — the second highest rate nationwide. Many of these requirements are simply not needed. Consider the 2011 law that made it a criminal offense to practice music therapy without a license. (Read more)


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