
NPRI joins with 40 organizations for upcoming National Employee Freedom Week; will remind workers of their options regarding leaving union membership

Nevada Policy Staff
| June 5, 2013

LAS VEGAS — Today, the Nevada Policy Research Institute announced that it will participate in National Employee Freedom Week, a first-of-its-kind national campaign to remind union members about the freedom they have to leave their unions.

National Employee Freedom Week (NEFW), which will run from June 23-29, 2013, will highlight how unionized employees often don’t know they have the legal right to opt-out of union membership — and help educate those employees on their options so they can make the decision about union membership that’s best for them.

NEFW is a national campaign with 40 partner organizations in 30 states across the nation.

To celebrate NEFW, the Nevada Policy Research Institute will be conducting widespread outreach efforts that remind union employees about their right to opt-out of union membership, provide generic opt-out letters and highlight alternatives to union membership.

NPRI will also release the results of a poll of union households in Nevada showing a startlingly high percentage of union members are interested in leaving their unions. This information will be released on Monday, June 24.

“NPRI is thrilled to be spearheading this nationwide campaign to inform union employees about the freedom they have to leave their unions,” said Victor Joecks, NPRI’s communications director. “There are tens of thousands of union members here in Nevada who would like to leave their union, but either don’t know they can or when they can do so.

“For instance, last year, NPRI ran a small informational campaign letting CCSD teachers know they could opt out of the Clark County Education Association by submitting written notice between July 1 and 15. As a result of teachers making the decision about union membership that’s best for them, over 800 teachers left CCEA.

“NPRI’s involvement with National Employee Freedom Week will help inform even more union members that they are able to leave their union and let those employees make the decision about union membership that’s right for them and their families.”

The number of organizations participating in National Employee Freedom Week is expected to increase in the coming weeks.

More information is available at http://EmployeeFreedomWeek.com/.


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