Free to Offend


Discussing important ideas requires a willingness to risk both offending and being offended. Free to Offend was a Nevada Policy podcast dedicated to radically defending free speech… by regularly practicing it. See the past episodes below.

Latest Episodes

Nevada’s Election System is Broken

Over the past several years there have been substantial changes to Nevada’s election laws, and trust in the process has been on the decline. Walter Olson is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and the author of a by Nevada Policy on election law...

Are We Making Voting Harder?

Is ranked-choice voting best for Nevada? Jason Snead, Executive Director of the Honest Elections Project, joins Nevada Policy Outreach and Coalitions Director Marcos Lopez for a special interview, recorded live recently at The Dangers of Ranked...

Turning Working Nevadans into Activists

How can a public policy think tank change the way Nevadans think about the greatest challenges facing the state? President  John Tsarpalas joined the program to talk about Nevada Policy’s work over the past year and its ambitious plans for...

Economic ‘Inequality’ isn’t the Problem

We hear a lot about “economic inequality” as a growing problem in the nation. However, we don’t hear nearly as much about what really matters to most people: economic mobility.  Economic mobility is the simple idea that we’re capable...

Fighting for Transparency in Government

Keeping government open, accessible and accountable is one of those few policy areas where groups on all sides of the political divide can agree – and yet, it remains one of the most challenging public-policy fights we face on a...

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