Free to Offend


Discussing important ideas requires a willingness to risk both offending and being offended. Free to Offend was a Nevada Policy podcast dedicated to radically defending free speech… by regularly practicing it. See the past episodes below.

Latest Episodes

Where is Nevada Headed Beyond 2022?

How optimistic should we be about Nevada in the long term?  Marcos Lopez, Nevada Policy’s new director of coalitions and outreach, joined the program to talk about the unique opportunities we have for the liberty...

‘Parental Rights’ are Making a Comeback

Guest: William Estrada, President of the Parental Rights Foundation Should parents or government officials be in charge of raising our children? Who should be in charge of making decisions on behalf of that child? If these seem like simple questions...

Modern education is ruining our children

Education today is largely treated as an industrial affair—as if curriculum and syllabuses should be rigidly structured to push kids through a K-12 conveyor belt toward higher education. In fact, much of parenting has adopted a similar notion that...

Indoctrination in the classroom

What happens when the public-school establishment — or even individual teachers — decide it is their duty to do more than merely instruct children, but also tell them how to think? From “Critical Race Theory” to sexual identity curriculum,...

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