Free to Offend


Discussing important ideas requires a willingness to risk both offending and being offended. Free to Offend was a Nevada Policy podcast dedicated to radically defending free speech… by regularly practicing it. See the past episodes below.

Latest Episodes

How Well Do We Understand Our Rights?

We take a lot of our rights in America for granted.  However, understanding our rights, how they’ve changed over time, and where they “come from” is critical to protecting them. Mark Iverson, who has been studying rights as they apply...

Bringing Innovation to the Education Sector

Guest: James Lomax, founder of Life Skills Academy  Whether the public school establishment likes it or not, the educational sector is changing. And it’s changing because innovators, entrepreneurs and parents are increasingly operating outside...

What is the Future of Free Speech?

One of the most troubling aspects of censorship on college campuses isn’t merely what it means for free speech in higher education – it’s but also what it means for the rest of us as those young leaders enter the “real world.” Zoë Felbein...

Getting the Regulators Out of the Way of Innovation

Innovation is the key to economic prosperity. Unfortunately, regulatory frameworks that were written decades ago are often at odds with creative new ideas – stymying the innovation we need for continued economic growth. Rees Empey with the...

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