Your questions, answered

| November 3, 2016

Hello again, ESA friends,

My email earlier this week triggered a few really good questions.  So, I’m going to go over those today. 

I applied during a previous enrollment period. Do I need to reapply?

No.  The Treasurer’s office asks that you do not reapply, even if you applied in 2015.

I previously applied and have not heard anything back from the Treasurer’s office.

The Treasurer’s office has not reached out to any applicants since January 9th.  Pending direction from the attorney general's office, the Treasurer will be contacting parents with updates and instructions. 

I previously applied with a paper application and did not turn in any documents.  Do I need to reapply and/or upload my documentation when applications go online?

No.  The Treasurer’s office asks that you do not reapply. Once the Treasurer has clear direction from the Attorney General’s office and has gotten the previous applications situated, they will be reaching out to parents with updates and directions.  Instructions will be given on how to upload your documents or update your file at that time. 

How can I check if the Treasurer received my child’s application?

Until the applications are entered into the database, there is no way to check if an application has been received.  The Treasurer’s staff asks for your patience while they work through the administrative details with the AG’s office and enter data.

If you mailed your application via certified or certified-return-receipt mail, that receipt is your proof of submission should something happen to your application.  Be sure to keep your certificate receipt or green confirmation card. You can track certified mailings by entering your certificate number in here.

When the Treasurer’s office opens enrollment and begins contacting parents, I will be sure to let you know.  In the meantime, please get your documents scanned and ready for uploading.  And, as we gear-up for the 2017 legislative session, please be sure to sign the petition to #LetOurChildrenSucceed.

Thank you to everyone who brought these pressing questions to my attention.  I hope this email helps bring some clarity and reassurance.

Stay strong!



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