
AB420 Testimony (Civil Asset Forfeiture)

Nevada Policy Staff
| April 1, 2019
Testimony in Support re: Assembly Bill 420 – Assembly Judiciary Committee
Friday, March 29, 2019
8:00 am


My name is Daniel Honchariw. I represent the Nevada Policy Research Institute as its senior policy analyst and registered lobbyist.

NPRI enthusiastically supports AB420. For too long, forfeiture laws have upended the due-process rights of Nevadans, leaving a wake of destruction in their path.

This bill fixes that in two critical ways. First, it requires a conviction in all cases before forfeiture can apply. Second, it redirects the bulk of proceeds generated by forfeited property towards state education funding, rather than law enforcement, which effectively eliminates the “policing for profit” incentive that currently exists.

This bill also provides protection for marginalized communities, which are disproportionately impacted by forfeiture. I’ve submitted into the record a copy of my report from 2017, which shows that the people most likely to be impacted by forfeiture’s abuses are also those who are least likely to be able to contest the forfeiture in court, for financial and other reasons. Such victims essentially have no practical recourse for getting their property back, even if they are completely innocent of any offense.

I applaud Chairman Yeager and this committee for bringing forth this legislation and encourage its swift passage for the advancement of Nevadans’ civil rights.


Respectfully submitted,

Daniel Honchariw, MPA
Nevada Policy Research Institute

Addendum, “Who Does Civil Asset Forfeiture Target Most?”

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