Nevada Policy


Press Releases

NPRI: Film tax credit bill a loser for taxpayers

CARSON CITY — Today, before the Senate Revenue and Economic Development Committee, Geoffrey Lawrence, NPRI’s deputy policy director, delivered the following testimony on SB 165, a bill that would establish transferable film tax credits.

NPRI generally opposes special tax credits, abatements or exemptions for favored industries. These special breaks bias the marketplace — impinging on taxpayers to reward firms or industries with political influence. Every dollar that is awarded through a special tax credit is a dollar that is unavailable to finance public services. As a result, taxpayers with less influence must bear a heavier burden in order to finance those services.

The argument of proponents centers around the notion that these tax credits are necessary to lure targeted firms into Nevada and that the prospective tax revenues that would otherwise be paid by these firms wouldn’t exist if not for the tax credits that lure them here. However, tax scholars from both the political Right and the political Left have regularly criticized this argument.

For example, the Tax Foundation, looking specifically at state film tax credits, concludes:

“Film tax credits fail to live up to their promises to encourage economic growth overall and to raise tax revenue. States claim these incentives create jobs, but the jobs created are mostly temporary positions, often transplanted from other states. Furthermore, the competition among states transfers a large portion of potential gains to the movie industry, not to local businesses or state coffers.”

State film tax credits began gaining widespread popularity in the mid-2000s. The nationwide total of these credits grew from $3 million in 2000 to $1.4 billion by 2010. What have we learned from this track record? The promises of the film industry have largely proven false and the warnings of tax economists have proven correct.

Louisiana’s non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Office, for instance has examined the fiscal impact of the state’s film tax program and concluded that the claims of film tax credit advocates are overblown. The Fiscal Office analysis shows that the program creates a net loss for the state’s budget even after accounting for all multiplier effects and additional employment created by the film industry. The net fiscal effect was an annual net loss for the state budget of more than $48,000,000 annually in every year between 2006 and 2011. The Office’s chief economist concluded:

“After accounting for the dynamic effects on the economy of the additional film and video production activity, the State may expect to recoup 16 percent to 18 percent of the tax revenue it obligates to the program through the transferable tax credit mechanism.”

That’s why states with film tax credits have recently begun to repeal these programs. In 2010, a record 44 states had these programs. Since then, eight states have ended their programs, including Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, New Jersey and Washington. Other states have scaled back their programs or placed caps on their use. These include Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan, Missouri, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and even the much-vaunted New Mexico.

These programs have been rolled back because most of the benefits have accrued to the film industry while they have generated few long-term benefits to local economies.

The current proposal, however, is even worse than most other states’ film tax credits, because it would award more in credits than the amount of tax liability that filmmakers would face. Further, the credit would be transferable, meaning that filmmakers can sell these credits on a secondary market to individuals who have nothing to do with the film industry. As a result, they would be able to essentially use Nevada taxpayers as an ATM machine to withdraw credits and then sell them on the secondary market.

This is not just theoretical. Late last year, film producer Danny Bigel launched a new market exchange for monetizable state tax incentives called the Online Incentives Exchange. The Exchange claims to be the “first truly national, transparent, liquid exchange for the trading of state tax credits.” The Exchange — which is outside the regulatory oversight of the SEC — reports that the market for transferable state tax credits exceeds $5 billion annually. At the moment, the Exchange primarily trades credits awarded by Louisiana, California and Georgia. But make no mistake, Nevada would soon be added to this list if it creates a transferable tax credit. That would mean Nevada taxpayer money being passed around by traders far outside of our state.

I’d like to quote the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities — a left-wing think tank in Washington, D.C. with which NPRI is typically in disagreement. Still, they’ve concluded:

“When a state grants a tax credit that is larger than the tax that is actually due, then it's essentially making an equity investment in the business. The state, which is to say, all other taxpayers, should reap the upside of that investment. It shouldn't be captured by the seller of the credit, the buyer, or a middleman. A transparent market for transferable tax credits is all well and good, but that doesn't change the fact that the state isn't benefiting when it should.”

If Nevada policymakers want to promote economic development and job creation in the Silver State, there is a path available to them. It includes removing the barriers imposed on native entrepreneurs by state and local governments. The Brookings Institution has pointed out that less than 2 percent of new job creation results from the cross-state movement of firms, but 57 percent results from the launch of new enterprises by native, small-time entrepreneurs.

NPRI recently outlined a plan to simplify this path to entrepreneurship for Nevadans by streamlining the state’s regulatory structures, filing requirements and labor-market strictures. The report includes very specific recommendations, including an aggressive expansion of the state business portal.

Special tax credits for film or other industries with political pull, however, is not the path to sustainable economic development.

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NPRI to Reid: Tell the truth about ‘clean energy’

LAS VEGAS — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is scheduled later today to address the Nevada Legislature, after announcing earlier this week that he will, once again, highlight solar energy as an example of Nevada’s “clean energy potential.”

In response to that announcement, Nevada Policy Research Institute President Andy Matthews released the following comments:

It’s time that Senator Reid address the accumulating evidence — regularly reported in the national media and seen right here in Nevada — that state and federal government subsidies for so-called “clean energy” initiatives are only a huge, wasteful, crony-capitalist boondoggle.

These government handouts to inefficient providers, which cost middle-class taxpayers millions for each permanent job, are only lowering Nevadans’ standard of living. That’s what happens when government makes people purchase inefficient energy that’s up to four times as expensive as energy from the most efficient sources.

For years, Senator Reid has promised Nevadans that “clean energy” subsidies would help grow and diversify our economy. His taxpayer-funded windmills, however, are a net drag on the Silver State economy.

Since 2009, taxpayers have funneled more than $1.3 billion into geothermal, solar and wind projects in Nevada, but these projects have produced just 288 permanent jobs. That’s over $4.6 million in subsidies per job.

Senator Reid likes to highlight the number of temporary jobs associated with these projects, but the problem is that temporary jobs are fleeting. What our economy in Nevada needs is permanent and sustainable employment — which means jobs created by and grounded in the natural, private, market-based economy. Genuine, sustainable economic growth does not come from career politicians’ “juice” schemes to get federal dollars into the hands of their big-dollar campaign donors.

As examples, Matthews noted that now-completed solar plants near Primm and Boulder City have only seven full-time employees total after receiving $92 million in federal subsidies and $12 million in tax rebates from the State of Nevada. Matthews continued:

Notably, Senator Reid worked hard to kill coal-powered plants in rural Nevada that would have employed hundreds in a struggling community, and without federal handouts.

The best full-time jobs that Reid's “green energy” efforts have produced haven’t gone to average citizens, but to former Reid aides working for politically connected “green energy” companies, or for his son Rory Reid, as a lobbyist for Chinese ENN Energy Group.

According to media reports, Sen. Reid will call for the state legislature to increase Nevada’s renewable portfolio standard. Currently, laws passed by state lawmakers require that 25 percent of the energy purchased by residents of the Silver State must come from “renewable” sources by 2025.

Said Matthews:

Senator Reid likes to say that Nevada is the Saudi Arabia of “renewable energy,” but there are two major problems with this analogy. First, Saudi Arabia’s energy helps that economy, and second, Saudi Arabia doesn’t need government mandates to sell its product.

The bottom line is that coal-powered plants produce electricity at a much lower price than do green-energy plants. Currently, NV Energy pays 3 to 5 cents per kilowatt-hour for natural gas and coal-fueled power, 8 to 10 cents per kWh for geothermal energy and for wind energy and 11 to 13 cents per kWh for solar photovoltaic energy. Wind and solar photovoltaic energy also require backup power for “intermittency issues.”

Further increasing Nevada’s renewable portfolio standard will further increase the price of electricity for Nevada’s ratepayers.

While these power-bill increases on Nevadans may not affect Senator Reid, in his $1 million Ritz Carlton condo in Washington, D.C., they reduce the standard of living for Silver State residents.

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NPRI: Democrats’ new ‘jobs’ plan offers only stale and failed ideas

CARSON CITY, Nev. — The “jobs” plan offered today by Nevada’s Senate Democrats evaded the central problem facing genuine job creators in the state, says Geoffrey Lawrence, NPRI’s deputy policy director.

“It's disingenuous for Nevada lawmakers to talk about promoting job growth at the same time that they perpetuate some of the most strenuous regulatory structures and filing requirements in the nation,” said Lawrence.

He noted that a recent Institute for Justice study found that “Nevada is among the top tier of the most broadly and onerously licensed states, ranking fourth.”

Rather than face that reality, Lawrence said, Senate Democrats proposed new tax credits for the film industry, moving funds from the state's operating budget into the highway fund to finance public-sector construction projects, moving more funds into the state's Knowledge Fund and creating new incentives within the state's Modified Business Tax.

“Unfortunately for struggling Nevadans,” he said, “the ‘jobs’ plan unveiled today is simply a retread of stale and failed government programs. None of the items introduced by Senate Democrats addresses the core factor that hinders economic growth — the obstacles that Nevada government places in the way of private entrepreneurship.”

He continued:

The film tax credit idea is an especially poor way for government to pick winners and losers in the economy, and many states are now dismissing film tax credit ideas as failures. Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, New Jersey and Washington have all effectively eliminated their programs since 2009. According to the Tax Foundation:

“Film tax credits fail to live up to their promises to encourage economic growth overall and to raise tax revenue. States claim these incentives create jobs, but the jobs created are mostly temporary positions, often transplanted from other states. Furthermore, the competition among states transfers a large portion of potential gains to the movie industry, not to local businesses or states.”

Lawrence noted that spending on state construction jobs is especially wasteful because prevailing wage laws mandate that state and local governments pay wages that are 44 percent or more higher than in the private sector. He said:

If financing government construction and research jobs improved the economy, the $787 billion federal stimulus wouldn’t have been an utter failure. Instead, what Senate Democrats are proposing would only create short-term jobs for favored interest groups.

Lawrence found it “at least encouraging that Senate Democrats acknowledge that the Modified Business Tax is a disincentive for hiring workers.” However, he said, the answer isn’t creating exemptions for favored firms, but to eliminate the tax entirely. He continued:

A much more effective approach for promoting economic development and job creation is to lower the administrative, legal and financial burdens that have been placed on entrepreneurs by state and local governments. How genuine is it for Nevada politicians to talk about promoting job growth when, at the same time, they refuse to deal with one of the most onerous sets of regulatory structures and filing requirements in the nation?

The recent Institute for Justice study Lawrence cited noted that “not only are [Nevada’s] fees many times higher than other states, but the experience and education requirements are as well:

Nevada is one of only four jurisdictions that license interior designers, requiring one exam, $250 in fees and six years of education or experience; meanwhile 47 states do not license interior designers. On average, the 21 states that license travel guides require $191 in fees and 58 days of education; Nevada requires $1,500 in fees and two years of education.

“Entrepreneurs,” noted Lawrence, “are Nevada’s job creators. And entrepreneurs, like Amy Groves, Carolyn Davis and Scott Godino, Jr., have identified government as their biggest obstacle to creating jobs. If you want sustainable economic growth, you must scale back government barriers to private-sector job creation.”

For policy solutions that would truly promote job growth, Lawrence recommended those in The Path to Sustainable Prosperity, a recent report by the Nevada Policy Research Institute.

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NPRI offers $2,000 college-scholarship opportunity

LAS VEGAS — Graduating Clark County high school students who show the potential to make a significant contribution to the cause of economic liberty should seek a $2,000 college scholarship being awarded by the Nevada Policy Research Institute.

This is the third year that the Professor R.S. Nigam & NPRI Freedom Scholarship is being offered. It is open to all Clark County high school students — whether they attend a public, private, online or home school — if they plan to attend college beginning in the fall of 2013.

This year students interested in applying for the scholarship are asked to write a two-page essay on this topic: During the 2013 Nevada Legislative Session, there have been many calls for raising taxes. What impact would raising taxes have on the economy in general, on Nevada's unemployment rate and on struggling businesses and families?

“This scholarship provides a great opportunity to hear from the free-market thinkers and leaders of the next generation,” said Swadeep Nigam, who funded the scholarship program in the name of his father, an advocate of freedom and a professor of business in both India and Nevada.

“The tax debate is an especially hot topic this year, and this question will allow students to fully explore the effects tax increases would have on Nevadans,” said NPRI President Andy Matthews.

All applicants must have a grade-point average of at least 3.2 and complete an application, part of which is an essay responding to the question on taxes.

To be eligible, a student’s parents must have earned less than $100,000 in income in 2012, and the student must plan to attend a four-year degree program in Business, Economics, Political Science, Public Administration or a related field, at an accredited college or university.

Professor R.S. Nigam was a director of the Delhi School of Economics at the University of Delhi, a visiting professor at the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a senior fellow at the University of Wisconsin, in addition to academic engagements in Europe, the West Indies and Asia, including North Korea.

“This scholarship is a fitting way to honor Professor R.S. Nigam, a man devoted to education and who has taught both at UNLV and around the world,” said Matthews. “We appreciate this chance to honor Professor Nigam, and also to provide a scholarship to help a Clark County student continue his or her education.”

Essays and applications are due to NPRI by May 4, 2013.

Full details of the scholarship and applicant requirements are available at http://www.npri.org/docLib/20130213_ScholarshipApplication2013.pdf.


NPRI: Kirkpatrick wrong on education-spending claims

LAS VEGAS — In a speech earlier today, Assembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick claimed, “For too long the answer to education has been to cut.” Responding to her comments, Victor Joecks, communications director at the Nevada Policy Research Institute, issued the following comments:

Speaker Kirkpatrick’s statement that “for far too long the answer to education has been to cut” is wrong and ignores 50 years of Nevada’s history of education spending.

In 1960, Nevada spent $430 per pupil. In 2009, it spent $8,865 per student. Even after adjusting for inflation, Nevada has nearly tripled per-pupil spending in the last 50 years. Nevertheless, results have been stagnant — a reality that advocates, for their own credibility, need to acknowledge.

On the state level, per-pupil funding through the Distributive School Account has increased from $4,298 in 2004 to $5,374 in 2013. DSA funding has increased nine of the last 10 years, with the only decrease being a mere $26-a-student drop in 2010. Would anyone but a politician characterize a $1,076 increase as a “cut”?

Nevada will never solve the problem of its chronically failing education system until state leaders get honest about what’s already been tried.

For 50 years, Nevada has tried reflexively spending more. It’s never worked — unless the real purpose, all along, has been to channel taxpayer dollars to unions that then give campaign donations to subservient politicians.

It’s well past time that all elected officials understand and accurately portray Nevada’s education-spending history.

Joecks noted that, in Nevada State Superintendent James Guthrie’s academic career, Guthrie repeatedly exposed the myth of education cuts. He wrote that “Chicken Little is alive and seemingly employed as a finance analyst or reporter for an education interest group.” In an article entitled “The phony funding crisis,” Guthrie noted:

For a variety of reasons, from one year to the next, schools almost always have more real revenue for each of their enrolled students. For the past hundred years, with rare and short exceptions and after controlling for inflation, public schools have had both more money and more employees per student in each succeeding year.

Joecks concluded:

Spending more hasn’t increased student achievement, but research shows what does work is school choice. School choice programs have raised graduation rates in D.C. and increased math and reading scores in Milwaukee and Charlotte, and the mere competition generated from school choice increased public school outcomes in Milwaukee and Florida.

Properly structured, school choice programs also save tax dollars.

It’s time for Nevada to join 21 other states and Washington, D.C. and empower parents with the ability to select the school and school type that’s best for their child.

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NPRI: Margin tax proposal remains severely flawed

LAS VEGAS — Responding to news that the Nevada Supreme Court today reversed a district court decision and allowed a 2 percent margin-tax initiative to go forward, Geoffrey Lawrence, deputy policy director at the Nevada Policy Research Institute, issued the following comments:

Regardless of whether the Supreme Court believes that the union bosses who want Nevadans to pay a margin tax complied with the technical requirements for an initiative petition, the margin tax remains one of the most hare-brained schemes ever to come before state lawmakers.

A business margin tax would be a disaster for Nevadans of every stripe. Despite misleading claims from its sponsors, the margin tax would apply to most small businesses and even to businesses operating at a financial loss. For those struggling firms, this new state levy would push them further in the red, forcing many to declare bankruptcy or, at best, downsize. Not only would this scheme smash the dreams of many small-business owners, but — should the initiative’s union sponsors get their way — the employees of those small businesses will find themselves out of work.

The initiative’s sponsors also like to claim that large businesses pay higher taxes in neighboring states without raising consumer prices. However, no state but Texas imposes a margin tax, which is just a tax on gross receipts with some convoluted and complex deductions. Comparing this tax idea to a corporate income tax — which only taxes profits and not total revenues — is entirely disingenuous. On this point, the proposal’s union sponsors are either woefully ignorant, willfully misleading or both.

In fact, the Texas margin tax — levied at only half the rate proposed for Nevada — has been widely recognized as a failure in tax policy. Small businesses complain that the tax is too complicated and that it discriminates in favor of certain industries with greater political influence. Law firms, for instance, can deduct almost all of their liability away, but farmers and information-technology firms wind up shouldering a disproportionate share of the burden.

The Tax Foundation has noted that gross-receipts taxes, including the margin tax, are “distortive and destructive,” because they “pyramid,” being assessed at every level of production. Thus, highly complex goods that require multiple stages of production are repeatedly hit with the tax — bearing, therefore, a significantly higher effective tax rate and distorting consumer behavior. If you want to greatly hinder diversification of the Nevada economy, this is precisely the tax system you want.

In 2009, Texas lawmakers heard more than 100 bills to change or repeal the tax — just three years after it was put in place. Now, public-sector unions want to impose the same tax on those who work in Nevada’s private sector, but at twice the rate!

The coalition of government unions seeking to increase the burden on Silver State families do so simply to fatten their own pocketbooks. Once again they offer the by-now-laughable claim that they’ll deliver a higher quality of education if Nevada families will just fork over the extra dough — even though Nevada taxpayers, in the last 50 years, have nearly tripled inflation-adjusted, per-pupil education spending.

And what did taxpayers get in return? Just more stagnation in educational quality, as these very union bosses twisted arms in the Legislature to protect the status quo and block the reforms that Nevada’s children need.

Given these union bosses’ prolonged efforts to prevent parents from being able to select better educational opportunities for their children, coupled with the unions’ work to keep ineffective teachers in the classroom, their claims about educational quality ring especially hollow.

Listening to union bosses, one would never know U.S. Department of Education data shows that Nevada now spends more on a per-pupil basis than most of its neighbor states, while getting lower test scores and graduation rates.

Lawrence also cited Tax Foundation research, which shows how a margin tax is more destructive than alternative tax instruments yielding the same amount of revenue. The Tax Foundation concluded that: “There is no sensible case for gross receipts taxation, or modified gross receipts taxes such as a Texas-style margin tax.”

Lawrence continued:

Research shows that there is little to no correlation between spending and student achievement. Indeed, for the last 50 years, Nevada has tried to spend its way to better student achievement and has nearly tripled inflation-adjusted, per-pupil spending while results have stagnated.

If union bosses were serious about improving education and not just fattening their own wallets, they would whole-heartedly support an agenda of proven education reforms, like the ones proposed by Governor Brian Sandoval.

Lawrence noted that a Las Vegas Review-Journal investigation revealed that in 2009, the Clark County Education Association teacher union spent more than a third of its $4.1 million budget on just nine of its employees. John Jasonek, then-executive director of CCEA, took home over $625,000 — $205,745 for running the union and $423,863 for simultaneously running two union-affiliated organizations. Each of the nine employees took in more than $139,000 from the coffers of CCEA and related organizations.

“This margin-tax proposal isn’t a fix for Nevada’s education system,” said Lawrence. “It would only entrench the failing status quo, enrich the union bosses and hurt struggling businesses and men and women looking for work.”

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Media Mentions

Opinion piece by Nevada Policy president, John Tsarpalas

Nevada Policy article on business regulations in the state of Nevada

Quote from Outreach and Coalition Director, Marcos Lopez.

Nevada Policy

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