Nevada Policy


Press Releases

NPRI releases Solutions 2013, the definitive sourcebook on 39 policy areas
NPRI plans to appeal, Joseph Becker comments on judge’s decision to dismiss separation-of-powers lawsuit
New Las Vegas city hall wasteful, shows problems with government-led economic development
NPRI joins amicus brief against individual mandate, in fight for liberty at the U.S. Supreme Court
Sandoval economic-development scheme a ‘roadmap for crony capitalism’
NPRI offers $2,000 college-scholarship opportunity

Media Mentions

Opinion piece by Nevada Policy president, John Tsarpalas

Nevada Policy article on business regulations in the state of Nevada

Quote from Outreach and Coalition Director, Marcos Lopez.

Nevada Policy

Media Inquiries

Please put “Media” in the subject line and include your questions, deadline, and contact information, and we will respond as soon as possible.

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Media Inquiries
