Free to Offend


Discussing important ideas requires a willingness to risk both offending and being offended. Free to Offend was a Nevada Policy podcast dedicated to radically defending free speech… by regularly practicing it. See the past episodes below.

Latest Episodes

If You Want Real Change, Keep It Local

Guest: Andrew Roth, State Freedom Caucus Network  While everyone likes to pay most of their attention to national politics, it’s actually the local politics that usually matter the most for limiting the size and scope of...

What has journalism lost in recent decades?

For decades, people’s trust in journalism and “the news” has been declining—and probably for good reason. Wayne Hoffman, president of Idaho Freedom Foundation, is a former journalist and believe the changes we’ve seen within the media have...

Transparency is the first step to better public policy

Let’s face it, most public policy debates come down to one thing: How are our tax dollars actually being spent? Nevada Policy Research Institute Director of Open Records Shelby Fleshood joined the program to talk about the importance of greater...

When will it be Nevada’s turn for education reform?

Culturally, we’re definitely experiencing a “wave” of educational freedom throughout the nation. Not only are states like Arizona going “big” when it comes to educational-choice programs, but parents across the political spectrum are...

Can we finally let a few crises just go to waste

Politicians seemingly live by the motto “never let a crisis go to waste.” From Coronavirus to the financial crisis of 2008 to 9/11, one crisis after another has resulted in an explosion of the regulatory state, mountains of government debt and...

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