
Date Range
Government Shouldn’t Limit Americans’ Vehicle Options
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Marcos Lopez
Limiting Gas Stations May Feel Good, but it’s Bad Policy
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Kevin Dietrich
Earth Day: Think Globally (and Outside the Box), Act Locally
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Ron Knecht
The "Green Energy" lobby is about cronyism, not polar bears
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Michael Schaus
Tesla: Much Fluff, Taxpayer Risk and Private Profit?
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Geoffrey Lawrence
The debate over Nevada's rooftop solar industry is missing the point
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Michael Schaus
Subsidies are harming, not helping, the solar industry
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Michael Schaus
EPA is determined to prove Obama right and make energy prices 'skyrocket'
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Michael Schaus
Study: New power plant would cost ratepayers hundreds of millions
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NPRI Staff
Avid for Stimulus money, pols short-circuited oversight, got green-energy flops in return
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Nevada Journal|Steven Miller
Energy regulations to kill thousands of Nevada jobs
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Chantal Lovell
Abandoning coal in NV will cost Nevada
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Chantal Lovell
School districts see little-to-no savings on 'green' schools, study shows
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Chantal Lovell
Solutions 2015 shows how legislators can make the lives of Nevadans better
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NPRI Staff
Alternative energy projects: Who pays for these boondoggles?
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NPRI Staff
Bundy skirmish a flashpoint in larger issue
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NPRI Staff
BLM’s Nevada cattle aggression linked to solar power plans
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NPRI Staff
Fed chokehold means no oil for Nevada
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NPRI Staff
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