Hi all!
It might not be on the agenda for the special session, but everyone is talking about ESAs!
I’ll be speaking about ESAs to the Las Vegas Republican Townhall Group this evening. If you want to attend, it would be great to see you there. The meeting will be on Wednesday, October 12th at 7 pm, at Charlie's Lakeside Inn. That’s on the Southwest corner of W. Sahara and Durango.
The Townhall folks are anxious to learn about ESAs, and it’s encouraging to see the conversation picking up steam. Governor Sandoval’s Facebook page is still blowing up with comments from parents — and everyone in Carson City is talking about the pressure parents have put on lawmakers to fix ESAs.
If you want to keep the pressure on, keep those tweets and posts going to lawmakers! Share comments on Facebook and Twitter, and keep letting lawmakers know that parents are demanding a fix. Tagging the Governor and lawmakers will help amplify your voices, and using the hashtags #NVleg and #LetOurChildrenSucceed will help spread the message.
Here’s how you can contact the legislative leadership and let them know your thoughts.
- Sen. Majority Leader Michael Roberson, Michael.Roberson@sen.state.nv.us, 702-612-6929@RobersonForNV
- Assembly Speaker John Hambrick, John.Hambrick@asm.state.nv.us, 702-242-8580@hambrick4assemby
- Assembly Majority Leader Paul Anderson, Paul.Anderson@asm.state.nv.us, 702-410-6645 @anderson4nv
- Minority Leader Aaron Ford, Aaron.ford@asm.state.nv.us, 702-772-5544, @AaronDFordNV
And, of course, you can share your thoughts with Governor Sandoval, by email at http://gov.nv.gov/Contact/Email-the-Governor/ , by phone at 775-684-5670, on Facebook or Twitter at @GovSandoval
Keep the conversation going! Make your voice heard!