In case you missed it…

| June 17, 2016

Energy policy:

Energy policy is arguably the most important factor affecting the strength of Nevada’s economy. Abundant and affordable energy directly lowers consumer energy bills — but it also reduces production and operating costs that factor into virtually all goods and services traded in our economy. Rising energy costs, by contrast, bring the economic pain of a tax hike to virtually every corner of the state. The Nevada Energy Policy Guide is a step-by-step outline to reining in Nevada’s sky-high energy costs. (Read more)


Free speech:

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healy is the latest state prosecutor to target non-profit think tanks that have conducted research critical of man-made global warming. Healy has issued a subpoena for 40 years of internal company documents and communications between Exxon Mobile and think tanks on the national and state level. Healy’s actions are part of a multistate effort among a number of attorneys general to “investigate” Exxon for “trying to cover up global warming” science. (Read more)


Government waste:

According to a report on government waste, compiled by Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), more than $35 million have been used to fund research projects that have virtually nothing to do with American national interests. Among this long list of wasted money, was $170,000 used to fund a study titled “Walking with Coffee: Why Does it spill?” In addition to studying why walking might increase coffee spillage, the study also had some solid advice for folks who suffer from frequent spillage incidents around the office: put a lid on your cup. (Read more)


Taxes and fiscal:

Exactly how burdensome is the federal tax code? Well, Americans will spend more than 8 billion hours and $409 billion complying with the tax code in 2016. With more than 2.4 million words in the tax code, and 7.7 million words in related regulations, it’s pretty safe to say “very burdensome” is the correct answer. (Read more)


Public sector employees:

According to government reports, 99 percent of federal employees are rated “fully successful” or higher on their job performance. Of course, the system isn’t exactly objective. Managers who rate their employees less than “fully successful” must undergo appeal attempts, union grievances and respond to the Merit Systems Protection Board. This process can often cost agencies tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. And as a result, the official reports tend to show a successful and efficient government workforce — even if the reality is something else altogether. (Read more)

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