Nevada Policy


Press Releases

NPRI offers $2,500 college scholarship

For Immediate Release 

Contact Michael Schaus, 702-222-0642

LAS VEGAS — The Nevada Policy Research Institute has announced it will once again offer a $2,500 Professor R.S. Nigam & NPRI Freedom Scholarship to a graduating Clark County high school student who demonstrates a passion for economic liberty and individual freedom.

The scholarship is open to all graduating Clark County high school students — whether they attend a public, private, online or home school — who plan to attend college in the fall of 2016.

This year students interested in applying for the scholarship are asked to write a two-page essay on this topic:

Improving education, by making it unique for the student:
Not every student learns at the same pace, or by the same methods. Unfortunately, K-12 public education in America is usually based on a one-size-fits-all approach to learning. Reflecting on your own experience, how would you provide parents and students with more control over the type of education they receive? 

“The Professor R.S. Nigam & NPRI Freedom Scholarship gives up-and-coming thinkers the opportunity to consider free-market solutions to real-world problems,” said Swadeep Nigam, who funds the scholarship program in the name of his father, an advocate of freedom and a professor of business in India and Nevada.

“We live in a marketplace of amazing innovation and creativity,” said Michael Schaus, communications director for the Nevada Policy Research Institute. “This scholarship question gives students the opportunity to reflect on how they would put free-market innovations to work solving real public policy concerns.”

All applicants must have a grade point average of at least 3.2 and complete an application, which includes the above essay question.

To be eligible, a student’s parents must have earned less than $125,000 in income in 2015, and the student must plan to attend a four-year degree program in business, economics, political science, public administration or a related field, at an accredited college or university.

Professor R.S. Nigam was a director of the Delhi School of Economics at the University of Delhi, a visiting professor at the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a senior fellow at the University of Wisconsin, in addition to academic engagements in Europe, the West Indies and Asia, including North Korea.

“This scholarship gives us an incredible opportunity to help a Clark County graduate pursue their dreams, while honoring Professor Nigam,” Schaus said.

Essays and applications are due to NPRI by May 1, 2015.

View full details of the scholarship and applicant requirements here Download file Scholarship Application 2016-2017.


Prominent Westside pastor prepares to announce support for Nevada’s ESAs

For Immediate Release 

Contact Michael Schaus, 702-222-0642

LAS VEGAS — At a school choice open-house scheduled for Tuesday, February 9th, 2016, Pastor Ron Thomas of the Reconciliation Apostolic Ministries will proudly announce his support for Nevada’s Education Savings Accounts.

“There’s a lot of misinformation about the program,” Pastor Thomas told the Nevada Policy Research Institute. “And the truth is, there is a lot of opportunity for minority communities with ESAs.”

Thomas has been a pastor for the past 20 years, and is also an officer with the Las Vegas chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Although the NAACP has not supported ESAs, Thomas said he personally felt it was important to speak out in support of the reform.

Sen. Scott Hammond, the author of SB302, will be featured, as will be a number of parents who have already enrolled in ESAs. According to Thomas, the evening open-house was conceived as a way to bring information about ESAs directly to parents, without any buffers.

Hosting an event to highlight the value of school choice is only the beginning for Thomas, who says he’s prepared to come out in full support of ESAs — despite the political forces pressuring him to remain silent.

“There are just a lot of special interests that have a lot of power in the community,” Thomas said. “But I refuse to have — and I believe I can say it this way — an unholy political alliance with anyone. When it comes to the education of our children, it should be focused on the children.”

“ESAs are about giving students opportunity. It’s not about politics,” Thomas said.

The Reconciliation Apostolic Ministries is partnering with the Conservative Alliance and the Nevada Policy Research Institute to bring information regarding school choice to communities that are especially poised to benefit from the reform.

The event, scheduled for 6:00pm Tuesday Evening, will be the first of many opportunities for the community to ask questions, and learn about the details of ESAs.

“The truth is, every parent deserves the chance to take control of their children’s education,” explained NPRI Communications Director, Michael Schaus. “A child’s education shouldn’t be determined by their zip-code, or their parent’s tax bracket. That’s why ESAs are so important to communities throughout Nevada.”

The event is open to the public, and will be located at 911 G Street, Las Vegas, 89106.


School choice rally shows strong support for ESAs

For Immediate Release

Contact Michael Schaus, 702-222-0642

January 27, 2016

LAS VEGAS — More than 2,000 students, parents and educators arrived at the Cashman Center in Las Vegas for the state’s largest school choice rally on Tuesday morning, showing overwhelming public support for the preservation of Nevada’s Education Savings Accounts.

Despite the current injunction against ESAs — which is temporarily pausing the implementation of the nation’s most inclusive school choice reform — public support for the program is as strong as ever, according to Nevada Policy Research Institute Communication Director Michael Schaus

Following the rally, Schaus released the following statement about the importance of preserving school choice:

At their core, ESAs are about empowering individuals — parents, students and teachers — rather than the special interests that feed upon the government monopoly of one-size-fits-all education.

The status quo isn’t working. It is letting down too many students, and too many families. School choice is about giving parents, regardless of their background, opportunities that were previously only accessible to a select few.

In short, school choice programs — such as Nevada’s ESAs — democratizes quality education. ESAs allow parents, who otherwise don’t have the resources, the opportunity to take control of their child’s future.

And as we saw by the crowds that rallied on Tuesday morning, parents are hungry for that opportunity.

A diverse group of Nevada individuals and organizations worked together to organize Tuesday’s event, which celebrated all forms of school choice.

RISE Resource Center, Nevada Homeschool Network, Nevada Policy Research Institute, NevadaESA.com, Academica Nevada, and The LIBRE Institute were all represented as partners of the event.


Thousands expected to rally at event in Las Vegas celebrating School Choice

For Immediate Release 

Contact Michael Schaus, 702-222-0642

January 21, 2016

LAS VEGAS — Thousands of students, parents, and teachers are expected to gather in Las Vegas on Tuesday, January 26 to show support for National School Choice Week.

The rally, which will be the largest of its kind in Southern Nevada, will take place at 10:00 a.m. at the Las Vegas Cashman Center. The celebration is timed to coincide with National School Choice Week (January 24-30, 2016), which will be America’s largest-ever celebration of opportunity in education with more than 16,000 events being planned nationwide.

Speakers at the event will include public officials, educators and even parents who are trying to take advantage of Nevada’s various school choice options.

“My daughter was struggling in her public school, and we were just looking for an alternative we could afford,” said Rita Colon, a single mother who applied for an Education Savings Account and a Tax Scholarship.

“You should always have a choice in your child’s education,” she told the Nevada Policy Research Institute.

The goal of the event is to show the overwhelming support for educational reform and school choice in the Silver State.

A diverse group of Nevada individuals and organizations have worked together to plan this event, including: RISE Resource Center, Nevada Homeschool Network, Nevada Policy Research Institute, NevadaESA.com, Academica Nevada, and The LIBRE Initiative.

Held every January, National School Choice Week is an independent public awareness effort designed to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options for every child.

Event Details


Teacher union contract would reward violations of state constitution’s separation-of-powers clause

Important update: The CCSD and CCEA agreed to a revised version of this contract, which excluded this worrisome section. While NPRI applauds the fact that the revised contract no longer rewards teachers for unconstitutional behavior, the fact that such behavior is still allowed is troubling. Also troubling is the fact that both CCSD and CCEA have been unable to adequately explain how, or why, the provision was included in the original draft contract.

Contact Michael Schaus, 702-222-0642

LAS VEGAS — The draft union contract between the Clark County School District and the Clark County Education Association includes a provision (17-1-1-4) that would endorse government-salary double dipping on the part of teachers.

The section states that any teacher who currently serves in the legislature could be given paid leave by the district while that teacher serves on legislative committee hearings which occur outside of the regular session.

As Nevada Policy Research Institute Communication Director Michael Schaus explains, this provision within the union contract essentially subsidizes and encourages violations of the state constitution’s separation of powers clause:

Legislators who remain employed with government agencies are already in violation of both the spirit, and the text, of Nevada’s constitution. Deciding then to give that government employee “paid leave” while they are conducting legislative business is nothing short of rewarding them for unconstitutional behavior at the expense of taxpayers.

The few active teachers who currently serve in the legislature are already in violation of the spirit of the law. The contract proposed by CCEA would further encourage, and reward, such unconstitutional behavior.  

If approved, the contract would not only ignore this constitutional violation, but actually use taxpayer dollars to pay an employee who is directly influencing policy as a member of the legislative branch — which on its most basic level is a clear conflict of interest.

The proposed contract demonstrates that such constitutional and ethical conflicts are not only tolerated, but are often encouraged by the political class running government-funded education. 


Faraday deal is government picking winners and losers, anointing small businesses as the losers

LAS VEGAS — Responding to news that Gov. Sandoval and lawmakers approved a series of tax breaks and subsidies for Faraday Future during a special session late last week, Nevada Policy Research Institute Communications Director Michael Schaus released the following statement:

The approval of more than $300 million of transferable tax credits, abatements and handouts to Faraday Futures is just the latest example of state politicians trying to pick winners and losers.

Just months ago, Nevada lawmakers imposed the largest tax increase in state history. Then, last week, they went out of their way to give hefty handouts to a politically connected electric-car company with no real-world record.

Yes, low taxes and “incentives” can attract new businesses to a state — but what message is being given to job creators, entrepreneurs and small businesses already operating in Nevada? Where are their tax incentives? In contrast to Faraday, Nevada’s job creators will be laboring under a slew of burdensome new taxes.

The 4,500 new jobs Faraday promises to create — a number less than one-third of what Nevada’s small businesses create every year, according to the Small Business Administration — sounds impressive in a news conference, but such projections are far from guaranteed.

Recall the similar rose-colored projections from the Sandoval administration when Tesla promised to create 700 jobs in 2015 as part of their new Gigafactory. So far, only a paltry 24 positions have been created, despite the substantial tax breaks provided to the new facility.

Politicians promising jobs and entrepreneurs actually creating jobs are obviously two very different things.

Genuine across-the-board incentives, such as lower taxes on current Nevada taxpayers and job creators, would do much more to spark economic growth than channeling hundreds of millions of dollars to secretive, unproven electric-car companies.

As we’ve seen too many times already, it’s the average taxpayer who loses when politicians in government attempt to play God with the economy.


Michael Schaus is communications director of the Nevada Policy Research Institute, a nonpartisan, free-market think tank. For more visit http://npri.org.

Media Mentions

Opinion piece by Nevada Policy president, John Tsarpalas

Nevada Policy article on business regulations in the state of Nevada

Quote from Outreach and Coalition Director, Marcos Lopez.

Nevada Policy

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