Just a friendly reminder, today is the last day for 2016’s first ESA enrollment period. If you haven’t submitted your application yet, you had better hustle to the Treasurer’s office in Carson City, or the Grant Sawyer building in Las Vegas by close of business today.
The applications must be received, not post-marked, by today for the Treasurer’s office to accept them. You can print off the application by clicking here, or from the Treasurer’s website.
Please remember, while the Treasurer is accepting applications that arrive, the office is not processing them. Applications are simply being filed until the injunction is lifted (notice my optimism). You will not hear back from the Treasurer’s office on the status of your application.
Also, as a reminder, if you filed an application for a child who’s five or six years old during the early application period, your acceptance letters are waiting to be sent out. They are on hold due to the injunction. The Treasurer’s office asks that you not submit another application.
Here is where you can drop off your applications:
Carson City:
Treasurer’s Office
101 N. Carson Street, Suite 4
Carson City, NV 89701
Las Vegas:
Grant Sawyer Building
Unclaimed Property office
555 E. Washington Ave, Suite 4200
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
The next enrollment period is scheduled for May 2 – June 30th. As always, if you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to contact me.
Stay strong! And, #LetOurChildrenSucceed